Freelancer FAQ

  1. The first step to take is completing the Dollar Talent application here.

  2. If your application is successful, you will receive TWO emails with information for your new account! Please check your spam folder.

  3. Setup your profile so that you can impress clients when you apply to their projects.

    Make sure to add skills, experiences, and more!  Make use of your personal description to tell the world about what you have to offer! 

  4. Go to Apply to Projects and begin submitting proposals to projects.

    Your proposal should introduce who you are, discuss your understanding of the project you are applying for, and finally, it should explain why you are uniquely positioned to complete the project successfully. Your proposal should also talk about the skills that the Employer has indicated as important for their project.

    Each project is meant to last for one month. Working either 20 hours per week. 

Each project is meant to last for 30 days. At a pace of 20 hours per week. 

Once you complete your work and the employer is happy for that month, the employer should then release your payment which will be transferred into your wallet each time they mark a project as successfully complete. 

If the employer wants to continue working with you, the employer can then load more money to a new project so that you can continue working for a new month. 

When funds are available in your wallet, you can  request a payout on your account when viewing your wallet. Your funds will be transferred from your wallet to your local bank account after requesting a payout. 

A payout will take 4-7 business days to reflect on your local bank account. 

We focus on recruiting polite people who are already used to working with people online. The employers are reputable companies that have undergone due diligence.

Every writer earns $5 per hour. Every designer earns $15 per hour. 

But after our commission fee, writers earn $4 per hour and designers $12 per hour. 


For starters, your deliverables and their quality should be proof of your work. 

However, the most important thing for you to do is to tell your employer to purchase a HubStaff  or Harvest subscription in order for you to track time worked on the project using a time tracker app.

We’ve told every client who signed up to download and pay for HubStaff or Harvest. They won’t be surprised if you bring it up. 

Employers on Dollar Talent have the freedom to post any type of writing OR design project. Provided that it is a legal set of work.