How to hire a freelance writer

Hiring a freelance writer can be simple or difficult depending on the content you want the selected freelancer to write. Is it a technical writer? Marketing copywriter? Or do you need a research paper written? Figuring out which type of writing and, hence, the writer you need is the first step. You need to be very sure of who and what you need because it’s hard to undo a bad hire.

Make sure you know what you need to be written

Content is written to educate a target audience. You need to ask yourself who your target audience is and what you would like for them to know as a result of reading your soon-to-be-written content. Knowing what your target audience should learn from your content is a great first step because once you know that you can start thinking more clearly about the fitting format for the core information you need your target audience to learn. 


Is it going to be a whitepaper, a blog post, or even an email? Deciding on the format you need is a matter of considering how people typically choose to format the information you need a writer to put together. Once you look at that, you should also consider your target audience. What formats excite your target audience the most? What are they used to? What do they prefer and why do they prefer it? Thinking about the why behind typical formats or preferences presents an opportunity for you to consider modern and even more effective formats for delivering the information you want to present your target audience with.


Finding the writer

There are a few freelancing websites where you can look to find the best writer for your project. Mostly on Upwork or Fiverr. 

Upwork is perfect if you know the message you want to convey to your target audience but aren’t sure about the format to be used. You can post a project with all the information you can provide and then wait for freelancers to place bids with proposals on the best way to execute your project. 

Use Fiverr if you know exactly what is to be said and how it should be presented (which format). This is the best course of action in that case because you can purchase a project that is exactly tailored to your identified needs. Which ultimately means that you will get a packaged service from someone who has done the same thing you need many times over. Fiverr is also the fastest route if you need a quick turnaround time. 

You can also check out for writers by posting a project on the platform. Writers on Dollar Talent cost 5 dollars per hour so they are amazingly affordable yet talented.

Working with a writer

Working with a freelance writer requires you to understand that there are different phases of writing. Here they are: 


1. Ideation

2. Drafting

3. Editing

4. Publishing


1. Ideation


Ideation is all about exchanging thoughts and ideas about the contents and style of writing to be produced by the freelance writer. It all starts with you sharing your thoughts on what the outcome should be. Including what it should not be. The writer should also have the opportunity to share their thoughts, questions, and suggestions. Ignoring the writer on those items will result in a poor plan and thus execution of your written content.


The key goal when it comes to ideation is establishing the what, how and style of writing to be produced by your freelance writer. 


2. Drafting


The drafting phase is the time when your freelance writer begins stroking keys to present the first version or draft for your project. The most important thing here is establishing the key points to be presented and the tone to be used in your written content. 


3. Editing


After the first draft is presented, the editing phase begins. Editing is all about suggesting changes, and sometimes, making direct edits to the first draft. Each time you give feedback as part of editing, the freelance writer will have to go back to drafting to produce an updated draft which you will then review or edit to provide further feedback. 


You will continue oscillating between the editing and drafting phases until you have a draft that is ready for publishing. 


4. Publishing


At this stage, you have content that has been refined and finalized during the drafting and editing phase. So much so that you are ready to publish your content to your target audience. This is where you need to copy and paste as well as format your writing into the final format of publishing. 


You might also need to do final preparations and uploading of images or any multimedia that will complement your written content. 


The most important step to a successful freelance writing project is making sure you become very familiar with what you need the freelance writer to deliver. You can improve your idea of what it is you need by looking at similar content published by your competitors or allies within whatever industry or field that you operate in. Searching for inspiration in this way is the surest path to becoming very clear on what you need the writer to deliver. 


But then again, some freelance writing projects cannot be done without relying on the writer to come up with everything including the core idea behind the content to be written. That is totally fine. Also, if you are struggling to find any relevant material or if you feel like you do not know how exactly to search for inspiration, you can still go ahead and hire a freelance writer. As long as you look for a freelance writer who has a variety of published works to be entrusted to take charge of your written content. 


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